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Here I am, resting again!

Last time Corbon had had a terrible accident, leaving his front right leg with no feeling and unusable. Although, trying to give him as long as possible for the nerves to heal, it became obvious that his exploratory nature could get him into serious trouble. If his leg were to become trapped, he would panic with possible tragic consequences. The subsequent visit to the vet became inevitable.

This was a much shorter visit to the vet, although it was still for several days to ensure he was fully recovered from the operation. Our pets would continually tell us where he was. This was a sad waste of their efforts, as we already knew. Instead, they could have spent that valuable time telling us how beautiful we were!

So it was for several reasons that we were pleased to see him on his return. Needless to say it took us (and Corbon) some time to become used to his new method of getting around. However, he did find it much easier without that useless limb getting in the way. He was rapidly back to his usual self, playing around everywhere!

Waiting patiently for Corbon's return
(Isaac & Newt)

Newt - relaxing in the 'hammock'!

Sadly things weren't going to be quite that straight forward. As not long after his triumphant return we started getting intrusions from a neighbouring feline. The first our pets knew about it was when there was an unusually strong 'feline scent' all around the house. There was no time to investigate this as several visitors were due to arrive. Such embarrassment for us all, important family guests and a strong smell throughout the house. Of course we put on our very best "it wasn't us" looks and fortunately our pets were able to back us up. Although they were keen to find the location of the smell to neutralise it and to determine the perpetrator.

Of course we found out who it was long before our pets, plus we had several 'encounters' to try to expunge the culprit (my vocabulary is stunning!). Unfortunately, on one of these encounters Corbon became a little too agitated by the melee, as my pet Dave discovered the following morning. The exertions had reopened the wound where the amputation had been performed. An urgent visit to the vet was required to 'stitch him up'! It was at this point our pets declared war on the interloper and devised a plan of action.

Newt & myself doing what we do best
- sleeping on our bed
The location of the smells indicated that this intruder was getting inside the house. Thus our outside door was set to 'in-only' allowing us access into the house but not out into the garden. As a consequence of this we were treated to the spectacle of our pets running around the house at 3:00am trying to catch a very angry, and very large, dark tabby cat. He was quite clearly unimpressed by this humiliation as he was finally grabbed firmly and dumped into a basket. Leaving him in a closed room to fester, our pets determined to 'deal' with him later in the morning!

Isaac & Corbon on their bed

Corbon just fits on this bean-bag

Isaac & Corbon in the 'hammock'

Corbon doing what he loves most

We were never quite certain what happened to our Unwelcome Visitor. However, after a few weeks we were visited by his pets who gave our pets a bottle of wine. It was unclear whether this was in apology for all the inconvenience caused to us all, or if they were expressing their gratitude for how our pets had 'dealt' with the intruder!

As you can see, Corbon is quite back to his normal self, exploring everywhere that he cares to. In fact he has had to be rescued, on several occasions, from the roof of the house!

Corbon on MY bed with his favourite pen!


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