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Cesar Manrique
It is clear that the makers of "Dungeons & Dragons" have used the title to draw an audience, sadly there are only 2 minutes of 'Dungeons' and the 'Dragons' are quite frankly - disappointing. This is standard 'Sword & Sorcery' fare with a villain recognisable as the 'baddy' within 2 seconds of his appearance. The hero used to be in "The New Adventures of Superman" and as such is rather lacking in hero-like qualities. Despite this, the film is entertaining and certainly passes the time, the rest of the special effects are good - shame about the dragons though! DVD/video.

With some minor enhancements for dramatic effect, "The Dish" is a wonderful look at one of the most important historical events of the last century. When mankind was about to set foot on the moon the only link for the live TV images was via a 'dish' in the middle of the Australian outback - surrounded by sheep! This is a lovely, gentle comedy with a pace befitting the location. DVD/video.

Another great computer animation has appeared in the large form of "Shrek". This is a brilliant film with some stunning effects. In addition it is hysterically funny, with jokes made at the expense of many childhood fairy tales. These also include many laughs at the expense of several well know Disney movies. The princess in distress seems to get all the best lines, e.g. "What! You rescued me without killing the dragon?!!" Definitely one to watch, kids might enjoy this too. DVD/video.

"Evolution" is a comedy thriller about an alien organism that evolves at an alarming rate. Starring David Duchovny, playing a role that seems rather familiar, but with dubious skill as a comedian. Despite this the film is entertaining fun with some imaginative and colourful alien creatures. DVD/video.

With "Jurassic Park III", Hollywood have another excuse for showing off their computer generated dinosaurs. Whilst these are indeed excellent, there is little else to commend this outing. As the main characters (i.e. the parents of the lost child) are so mind-numbingly stupid, I spent most of the film hoping they would be devoured. The final confrontation really stretches one's level of belief to breaking point. Knowing its failings, this will probably make good video fodder. DVD/video.

Computer animation is becoming a very popular medium for movies and "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" is another milestone in their development. Unlike many of the Disney and Dreamworks afforts which avoid too much human animation, this movie is specifically about humans on an Earth in the future. I was fortunate to see this at a completely digital cinema and it was simply stunning. Much publicity was made about the number of hairs on the heroines head that were individually coded for and it does look amazing (although at times I did begin to wonder whether we were seeing this 'effect' more often than necessary - reminiscent of those ludicrous shampoo adverts!). The human imagery though is very believable, from the realistic 'stubble' of the hero to the balding head and 'feature' covered face and neck of the elderly scientist. The criticism of the plot is unfounded, as although this is not mind stretching, it certainly doesn't become boring. DVD/video.
With Hollywood's current love of remakes comes this classic film retold by director Tim Burton, "Planet of the Apes". Having seen several trailers for this it certainly does look as though it may be quite good, however, I have my doubts of it covering anything particularly new or refreshing. I certainly find that Tim Burton is a director of quite variable output. DVD/video.

The Steven Spielberg movie, A.I., is certainly not what I expected. No tissue box measurements can be applied here (except for some). This is a very deep and thought provoking piece of drama which owes a great deal to the late Stanley Kubrick, who started the project. Whilst I can agree with others that this film could have been cut in several places it is well worth the effort as there are some stunning visual effects and much to keep the plot progressing. It is worth noting that there are numerous shots involving the Manhattan skyline, which, ironically, make these scenes more poignant than originally intended. DVD/video.

Surprisingly, although made for children, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" certainly has plenty to maintain the interest of most adults. Although the scenes at the beginning with the truly 'horrid' aunt, uncle and cousin are overplayed and overlong, the film soon improves with some great special effects, stunning scenery and a plot to keep you guessing (unless you have read the book!) right to the end. The amazing thing with special effects these days is that anything can be made to look real and this really shows with the game of 'Quiditch' (did I spell that correctly?). With a huge cast of skilled actors this film cannot fail to please, but can the level of excitement be maintained through all of the planned 7 movies? DVD/video.

After the long wait and much anticipation what must now be the greatest fantasy film ever made has finally been released. "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is the first in a trilogy of films based on the classic book(s) by JRR Tolkien. At three hours long, some may feel rather daunted by the prospect. However, this was the most intensely thrilling three hours experienced in a cinema. After what seemed like just 1 hour the film finished to much sadness - a whole year before part 2! Despite being one of the few science fiction fans who has not read the book, the introductory 5 minutes (or was it 20?) set the scene extremely well, with some incredible visual effects which set the tone for the rest of the movie. This is an amazing visual feast that lets you wallow in the sumptuous landscape and phenomenal structures of Middle Earth. The mines, the towers, the Shire - all look real, believable and stunning. Having seen this film with others who know the book, they were equally enthralled and satisfied by the end result, including the many specific scenes that are significant in any fan's memory.

If you are in any doubt - watch this film and at the best cinema possible, biggest screen & loudest sound system. It is also, far superior to "Harry Potter" and deserving of the many awards it has and will receive. Watching this film is the closest to time travel that we will ever experience and what amazing scenery on the way! DVD/video. Extended version is awesome!

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