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Although Corbon could now get around quite ably, there was one other issue that needed urgent attention. This was one that is close to the heart of any feline - washing! How could he properly clean the right-hand side of his face with his front right leg missing?

He tried desperately to clean this area with his front left leg, but found this wasn't terribly effective - even after he managed this feat without falling over! It wasn't too long before he discovered quite how stupid our pets were. He discovered that if he washed one of their thumbs' or knuckles' they would hold it firmly for him to rub his right eye and face against, wash again then rub. Just as if it were his own right leg! These humans would laugh and call it "cute" - Corbon didn't care - he was getting his face clean at last!

Corbon, Isaac & myself - sleeping.

Corbon, Isaac & myself - sleeping - again!
Well, I'm trying to sleep . . .

He did find another method of keeping clean. He and Isaac had become firm friends and along with scrapping, playing, fighting and sleeping together, they would also wash each other. In fact, quite frequently, Corbon would think that Newt or myself was Isaac and he would thrust the right-hand side of his face in our general direction in the forlorn hope that we would get the hint. Needless to say both Newt and I keep our tongues to ourselves, except for the occasional 2-second lick which means; "Yes, I do love you, but no, I am not going to wash your bottom for you!"

Corbon & Isaac on my bed

Corbon & Isaac's affection knew no bounds, so it came as a major shock to the entire household when on 18th June 2001 Isaac was killed on the road. Newt took this rather badly, while Corbon withdrew in on himself. They would both sit out in the garden waiting, in the desperate 'hope' that Dave had misidentified the cat and that it was some other large dark tabby. I knew though from his reaction to the discovery that there was no mistake.

We all miss him very much he was a bright, bubbly personality with a huge thick tail, and giant feet. He would strut around the house being very pleased with himself - and very pleased to be with us all.

Corbon & Isaac on my bed

Corbon & Isaac in the hammock

With Isaac's sudden and premature demise (he wasn't even 2 years old), I find myself considering my own mortality. I have sometimes felt that I could live forever, but with my worsening kidneys and slowing down generally (now that I am approaching 16), I realise that I cannot go on being lucky for ever. But, oh boy, have I been so lucky!

I have had a simply wonderful life with some great humans that have cared so very much for me. The homes I have lived in have been spacious with plenty of soft and warm places to curl up and snooze. The gardens too, have all been amazing, increasing in size and diversity with each move. I have also been blessed with a loving group of feline friends to share my times. In these later years, my colleagues have shown me the greatest respect, acknowledging my age & wisdom and deferring to me in times of crisis or uncertainty.

I really could not have asked for a better life.


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